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Painting courses

« Claude Monet : Just an eye – but what an eye! » would say Manet
This says it all.
Still-lives are an essential part of the artist’s learning experience.
They consist of understanding the nature of things: a fruit that rots overtime, a glass that falls and breaks, a rock that lasts forever. A champagne glass cannot be painted the same way as a beer mug.
This must be expressed in the way of painting. Using a thick layer of painting or a thinner one. Using juices or glaze mixtures. Learning to see – this is the best skill a teacher can pass on to his students – in order to forget what one knows and only paint what can be seen.

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Drawing courses

In the studio, one learns to use drawing effectively. Key elements to take into account are the following:

Construction : the observation of the representation and morphology.
Volume, direction, movement in space.
Composition : Drawing as an introduction or preliminary sketch for a painting (verticality, horizontality, filling the space, architecture, values). Drawing is deeply intertwined to painting.
Drawing as a goal : the development of a personal touch that can become a signature style overtime. The live model is extremely beneficial in this learning experience. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the model posing daily from 10 AM to 12 PM and 2 PM to 4 PM, Tuesday through Friday – with short or long pose.
A growing number of exhibitors from the Academy are participating in the Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l’Eau, annually held in Paris’ Grand Palais.
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